
This page isn't exhaustive and doesn't include all our plans, rather, it offers information about plans that have specific provider requirements.

Government programs

Specialty commercial plans

Sample member ID cards

Please use Member Inquiry in prism whenever possible for information about a member's plan. However, in certain situations, member ID cards are a helpful identifying resource. See below for sample member ID cards organized by line of business.

Note: these are just samples. Details will be different on every member's card, depending on the specifics of their plan.

Employer group plans 

 Standard group


 Tiered network



PriorityIntegra sample ID card - front only

 HMA (TPA product)

HMA Michigan card_Page_1.png

 Medicare plans

 Medicare Advantage

SampleCard Mdcr1.png


SampleCard Mdcr2.png


SampleCard Mdcr3.png 


SampleCard Mdcr4.png 

Medicaid plans

 Priority Medicaid

SampleCard Mdcd1.png 

 Healthy Michigan Plan

SampleCard Mdcd2.png 

Individual MyPriority plans


SampleCard MP1.png 

 Narrow network

SampleCard MP2.png