Log in to your member account to get the most up-to-date information for your MyPriority® plan.
What can we help you with today?
Getting care
- MyPriority HMO network: Stay in your plan's network for lower costs
- Find a Doctor online tool: Find in-network doctors, hospitals & pharmacies
- Chronic condition coverage: See how your plan helps you manage your condition
- Emergencies and urgent care: What to do locally, nationally and worldwide
- Filling prescriptions: The Approved Drug List and tiers
- Formulary exception: Our exception process
- When you need pre-approval: Our prior authorization process
Paying for health care
- Meeting your deductible: Paying for care before and after deductible
- Claim statements: Understanding your "explanation of benefits" or EOBs
- Cost Estimator tool: Know your costs and control out-of-pocket spending
- Submitting claims: What to do if you need reimbursement
- Retroactive claims: The process when we reverse our payment of a claim
- Late payment grace period: Our pending claims process
- Coordination of benefits: If you have another health plan besides MyPriority
Your member account
- Your online member account
- Paying your premium: Ways to pay and payment FAQs
- Grace period for late payment: Our grace period process
- Overpayment of premium: Learn what to do
- Renewing, changing or canceling your plan: Learn about your options
Agent compensation disclosure
Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA), health insurance issuers offering Individual health coverage or short-term limited duration insurance must disclose actual and anticipated cash and non-cash compensation paid to agents and brokers in connection with the sale, renewal, and extension of Individual plans.
If you use an agent to help facilitate your enrollment, their compensation is based on a percentage of your total monthly premium. This is paid by Priority Health and the agent will be paid a commission each month for as long as you are enrolled. Your monthly premium will be the same whether you choose to use an agent or not. In addition, your agent may receive a bonus if certain sales thresholds are met.