What is Price AssureSM through Express Scrips?

With the help of Express Scripts, Priority Health offers a program to make sure our commercial members save when shopping and paying for prescriptions.

The program is offered through Express Scripts' partnership with GoodRx® and unlocks potential savings on the member's generic medications when prescriptions are filled at an in-network pharmacy. Savings are captured automatically, so there’s no need to sign-up or opt-in to the program.

How does it work?

  • Members fill their prescription at any in-network retail pharmacy (excluding mail order and specialty pharmacies).
  • The claim automatically adjudicates in the pharmacy's system and applies a discount, if applicable.
  • The member pays the lowest available price every time, even if it's less than their standard copay.

What are the benefits of using Price AssureSM through Express Scripts?

Price Assure is a helpful addition to your patients’ pharmacy benefits and ensures that what they spend on prescriptions will be tracked against their deductible and out-of-pocket maximum. They no longer need to shop around for the lowest price and they can check their costs ahead of time using the Cost Estimator.