Find a Doctor
Want to know which health care providers are in your plan's network?
Use our online Find a Doctor directory to search for:
- Doctors
- Hospitals
- Urgent care centers
- Nursing care facilities
- Durable medical equipment rentals
- Pharmacies
- Labs
- And more
To use Find a Doctor:
- Log in or create a member account
- Select Find care in the top menu
- Click Find a doctor or specialist.
Note that out-of-network PCPs or specialists must be authorized before a visit (called “prior authorization”). Your in-network PCP can help coordinate all referrals to specialists.
The tool is easy to use. Search by:
Primary care, specialists, hospitals, pharmacies, vision care and other facility/service
Type of primary care doctors
Specialty, MD or DO degree, hospital affiliation, accepting new patients, language doctor speaks and more
All doctors, hospitals or other health care providers in a ZIP code
Your plan
See only doctors and other health care providers in your Priority Health plan network
Make sure to bring your Priority Health member ID card and your mihealth card to every doctor's appointment.
Where can I find more information?
Please reference the Member Handbook and Certificate of Coverage for more detailed information.