Your PriorityMedicare Value plan information
Your 2025 plan documents
Find out what our PriorityMedicare ValueSM (HMO-POS) plan offers you. Review your benefits in the chart below or by downloading any of your coverage documents.
Your coverage documents provide detailed explanations about how your plan works.
- 2025 Evidence of Coverage
The Evidence of Coverage is the legal, detailed description of your benefits and costs. It also explains your rights and rules you need to follow when using your coverage for medical care and prescription drugs. - 2025 Annual Notice of Change
For existing members who have a 2023 Priority Health Medicare Advantage plan, the Annual Notice of Change outlines the year-over-year changes to the plan, including basic benefits and embedded extras. - 2025 Priority Health Medicare Advantage Formulary
Important Message About What You Pay for Vaccines - Our plan covers most Part D vaccines at no cost to you, even if you haven’t paid your deductible (if your plan has a deductible). Call Customer Service for more information.
Important Message About What You Pay for Insulin - You won’t pay more than $35 for a one-month supply of each insulin product covered by our plan, no matter what cost-sharing tier it’s on, even if you haven’t paid your deductible (if your plan has a deductible).
2025 PriorityMedicare Value coverage summary
This chart shows what our PriorityMedicare Value plan offers members.
The amount you'll pay for most covered in-network medical services before you start paying only copayments or coinsurance and Priority Health pays the balance.
Out-of-pocket maximum
This is the most you pay during a calendar year for in-network services before Priority Health begins to pay 100% of the allowed amount. This limit includes copayments and coinsurance payments. It does not include your monthly premium, Part D drug costs or services from out-of-network providers.
Inpatient hospital care
Days 1-7
Days 8 and beyond
There is no limit to the number of days covered by the plan each hospital stay.
Authorization rules may apply.
Doctor office visits
Each primary care visit
Each specialist visit
Each palliative care physician visit
Emergency & urgent care
Each emergency room visit
Each urgent care visit
Get emergency or urgent care services wherever you are in the Unites States or all over the world.
Lab services
Medicare-covered lab services
Anticoagulant lab services
(if on blood thinners)
Diagnostic tests and procedures
Medicare-covered diagnostic procedures and tests
Outpatient X-rays
Medicare-covered outpatient X-rays
Diagnostic radiology services
Medicare-covered diagnostic radiology services
Diagnostic radiology includes services such as MRIs and CT scans.
Authorization rules may apply.
Radiation therapy
Medicare-covered radiation therapy services, such as cancer treatment
Preventive care
Annual physical exam and preventive services covered under Original Medicare
See a list of preventive services covered at $0 copay. Any additional preventive services approved by Medicare during the contract year will be covered.
Routine vision (by EyeMed®)
One routine exam (including refraction with dilation as necessary) & one retinal imaging per year
Each year
Preventive dental services (by Delta Dental®)
Two oral exams and two cleanings per year (regular or periodontal maintenance)
One brush biopsy, one fluoride treatment and one set of bitewing x-rays each year
Periapical radiographs as needed and all other radiographs (full-mouth series or panoramic x-rays) every 24 months
Comprehensive dental service (by Delta Dental®)
fillings (once per tooth every 24 months), crown repairs (once per tooth every 12 months) and simple extractions (once per tooth per lifetime)
root canals once per tooth per lifetime
$2,000 annual maximum to use towards the above.
Routine hearing (by TruHearing™)
Routine exam
Per year, per ear for hearing aids from top manufacturers
Hearing aid cost includes three fitting and follow-up evaluations within the first year and 48 batteries per hearing aid.
Chiropractic services
Medicare-covered visit
Acupuncture services
Medicare-covered visit
Routine visit, up to six visits per year for other conditions
Priority Health Travel Pass
Priority Health Travel Pass has you covered for out-of-area care at in-network prices, access to MultiPlan® Medicare Advantage providers, unlimited worldwide emergency and urgent care and Assist America® for global travel assistance. Learn more.
You may stay enrolled in the plan when outside of the service area for up to 12 months, as long as your residency remains in the service area.
Over-the-counter (OTC) benefit allowance
Per quarter (no rollover)
Region 1
Per quarter (no rollover)
Regions 2, 3, 4 and 5
For use on drugs and health related products that do not need a prescription, such as allergy medication and eye drops. Learn more.
Virtual care
Each primary care, specialist or behavioral health provider virtual visit
Also referred to as "evisits" or "telehealth," virtual care is a cost-effective and convenient way to visit with a health care professional via phone or video for non-emergencies.
One Pass®
Access to the largest nationwide network of gyms and fitness locations, live digital fitness classes, on-demand workouts, and home fitness kits. Learn more
Get online brain training mode just for you to help improve your memory and focus all through your One Pass user account. Learn more.
Prescription drug benefits
Have questions on drug tiers? Learn more.
You have lower copays when you use a preferred pharmacy. See if your pharmacy is on the "preferred" list.
Part D prescription drugs, deductible
All tiers
This deductible applies to the cost of all drugs on the plan's list of approved drugs, or "formulary." Download the formulary to see approved drugs or view the Approved Drug List on this website.
Tier 1 (preferred generic drugs)
Preferred retail (30-day)
Standard retail (30-day)
Mail order (90-day)
You pay copays or coinsurance for drugs on this plan's formulary until your out-of-pocket costs reach $2,000.
Tier 2 (generic drugs)
Preferred retail (30-day)
Standard retail (30-day)
Mail order (90-day)
You pay copays or coinsurance for drugs on this plan's formulary until your out-of-pocket costs reach $2,000.
Tier 3 (preferred brand drugs)
Preferred retail (30-day)
Standard retail (30-day)
Mail order (90-day)
You pay copays or coinsurance for drugs on this plan's formulary until your out-of-pocket costs reach $2,000.
Tier 4 (non-preferred drugs)
Preferred retail (30-day)
Standard retail (30-day)
Mail order (90-day)
You pay copays or coinsurance for drugs on this plan's formulary until your out-of-pocket costs reach $2,000.
Tier 5 (specialty drugs)
(30-day supplies only)
You pay copays or coinsurance for drugs on this plan's formulary until your out-of-pocket costs reach $2,000.
Part D prescription drugs, catastrophic coverage
After your yearly out-of-pocket drug costs (including drugs purchased through your retail pharmacy and through mail order) reach $2,000 you pay $0 for the remainder of the plan year.
Optional benefits
Enhanced Dental and Vision package
Optional benefit: Add additional dental and vision coverage to your plan for an extra $37 monthly premium, including additional dental coverage for things like crowns, extractions, implants, dentures, bridges and more with $4,500 total (includes embedded $2,000) to spend each calendar year and another $150 per year toward your eyewear allowance.
Get details and learn how to add this coverage to your plan.