Reminders about seeing Cigna members in Michigan
You may already know that we have a Strategic Partnership with Cigna, through which Cigna commercial group members can access care on Priority Health’s PPO network in Michigan and Priority Health commercial group members can access care on Cigna’s Open Access Plus (OAP) network outside of Michigan.
We want to remind you about some of the specifics of seeing Cigna members in Michigan.
Is there a page in the provider manual with instructions for seeing Cigna members in Michigan?
Yes. It has information about:
- Confirming patient eligibility
- Submitting claims
- Receiving payment
- Reviewing claims status
- Submitting appeals
- Obtaining prior authorizations
- Providing behavioral health care
What about ancillary care?
Check out the ancillary care content drawer on our provider FAQs page to learn about:
- Referrals
- Authorizations
- Specialty pharmacy services
Can Cigna’s other Strategic Partners receive care on the Priority Health network, just as Cigna members do?
Yes. These Strategic Partners include:
- TUFTS Health Plan/CareLink
- HealthPartners
For more information about these Strategic Partners, including sample member cards, see Cigna’s online guide.
As a general rule, simply follow any instructions on the member ID card for submitting claims, prior authorizations or calling for assistance.